

Media Architecture Biennale 2018

Beijing, China
13 - 16 November 2018
The conference ended on 16 November 2018

Important Dates

Abstract Submission Deadline
6th May 2018
Final Abstract / Full Paper Deadline
6th May 2018

About MAB18

The Media Architecture Biennale in 2018 will explore the role that Media Architecture plays as infrastructure well suited to placemaking and smart city initiatives, large and small. How can the various scales and systems that media architecture operates in be connected to support social structures within the territory of a city? A country? Or even a planet? How can we think critically and creatively about the past, present, and future developments of expressive, connected, and reactive architectural elements at both a local and global scale?


Smart city, Data visualization, Human-computer interaction, Urban architecture, Identity and creative placemaking

Call for Papers

Important Dates


Submission Deadline: 7 May 2018

Notification: 14th June 2018

Camera Ready Deadline: 14th July 2018


13-16 November 2018


We consider media architecture as an inclusive term that encompasses encounters and intersections between digital technologies and our physical surroundings. We invite papers that present and discuss novel contributions to media architecture both on a practical and theoretical level and that further our understanding of the field through case studies, design approaches, and best practices. We expect contributions to critically explore a wide range of topics including, but not limited to:

-       How to support the developmentof social structures with urban digital media

-       Social & Cultural Aspects of Media Architecture

-       Participatory Architecture & City Planning

-       Spatial Locative Media

-       Case Studies of Specific Projects

-       Future Trends & Prototypes

-       Media Facades & Urban Displays

-       Interaction Techniques & Interfaces

-       Critical & Historical Perspectives on Media Architecture

-       Design Processes & Methods

Specifically related to or framed conceptually and theoretically with the following concepts/terms:

-       infrastructure

-       smart cities

-       coordinated and connected media architecture systems across cities, countries, and the world

Submission Details

The conference invites research presentations from both academia and industry:

-       We invite papers with a minimum of six and a maximum of ten pages in length, in ACM format (https://www.acm.org/publications/proceedings-template-16dec2016).

-       The papers should clearly explain the research question addressed, research methods and tasks, findings or results, and contributions of the work. Papers should also provide sufficient background and related work to situate and contextualize the authors’ work within the greater body of research.

-       Submissions should consist of original work not previously published or concurrently under consideration for any other conference, workshop, journal, or other publication with an iSBN, iSSN or Doi number.

-       Authors must provide a 30-word contribution statement for their paper upon submission. The contribution statement should explain the contribution made by the paper to the Media Architecture community.

-       Papers will be peer-reviewed by multiple members of a program committee consisting of experts in a range of disciplines that shape media architecture.

Our Vision

Building on the successful event in Sydney 2016, Media Architecture Biennale 2018 brings together artists, practitioners and researchers from academia and industry who work with media, interactive technologies and the built environment. The 2018 Biennale comprises an academic conference track, exhibitions, and industry sessions, as well workshops. Our vision is to provide an excellent forum for debate and knowledge exchange; to offer a unique opportunity that brings together the best minds and organizations; and to highlight state-of-the-art and experimental research in media architecture.


Digital Infrastructure at the Scale of the Hybrid City

Media architecture is involved in placemaking and smart city initiatives through infrastructure large and small. While connected information displays and mobile phones might inform citizens about energy efficiency, for example, coordinated large-scale facades and screens can also influence the identities of entire cities. How can the various scales that media architecture operates in be connected to support social structures within the territory of a city? A country? A planet?  How can we think critically and creatively about the past, present, and future developments of expressive, connected, and reactive architectural elements at both a local and global scale?


CAFA Beijing


Twitter @MABiennale

Web http://mab18.org/

Email conference@mediaarchitecture.org

Proceedings of the Media Architecture Biennale Conference 2016



Accepted papers will be published in the ACM Digital Library.

Come and Join Us!

General Chair

Prof Chang Zhigang - CAFA, Beijing

Conference Programme Chairs

Ava Fatah gen. Schieck - The Bartlett UCL, London

Dave Colangelo - Portland State University, Portland

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