
Infectious Diseases 2020

Euro Infectious Diseases Congress 2020

Paris, France
23 - 24 March 2020
The conference ended on 24 March 2020

Important Dates

Early Bird Deadline
4th December 2019
Abstract Submission Deadline
22nd January 2020

About Infectious Diseases 2020

Euro Infectious Diseases Congress welcomes global researchers to an alluring destination Paris to share and exchange the latest research advancements in this field. We focus and strive to make our theme “Infectious Diseases Research- A global priority” reliable! Our Euro Infectious Diseases conference allows you to prominently present your work with discussions which marks a greatest significance.


Genomics, Urinary tract infections, Upcoming conferences, Primary care for pediatric infections, Bacteriology, infectious disease, Emerging infectious diseases, Viral infections, Infection, Infectious diseases conference, Microbial infections, Infectional diseases, Immunology of infections, Dermatological infectious diseases, Microbiology, Hiv conference, Hiv-aids health care, Infection conferences, Infection congress paris, Peers alley media

Call for Papers

Sessions of our Euro Infection Congress 2020  Paris, France

Infectious Diseases and Global Health | Viral Infections | Bacterial Infections | Fungal Infections | Vector-borne Diseases | Virology and HIV | Immunology and Clinical Microbiology | Neurological and CNS Infections | Healthcare-Associated Infections | Ophthalmological Infectious Diseases | Lower Respiratory and Pediatric IDs | Vaccines and Immunizations | Tropical Diseases and Parasitic Diseases | Sexually Transmitted Diseases and STIs | Oral and Maxillofacial Infections | Genomics and Infectious disease | Pathophysiology and Diagnosis | Clinical Trials and Case Studies | Influencing Factors of IDs | Advanced Treatments and Technologies | Prevention and Control | Public Health and Epidemiology

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