
Advancing AECO Technology Transformation 2020

Advancing AECO Technology Transformation 2020

Online, United States
17 - 19 August 2020
The conference ended on 19 August 2020

Important Dates

Abstract Submission Deadline
16th August 2020

About Advancing AECO Technology Transformation 2020

Unite People, Process and Technology to Deliver Smarter, Efficient, Connected Project Life-cycles. Uncover How to Best Integrate New Tools to Maximize Profitability, Productivity, Quality and Efficiency


Real estate, Construction

Call for Papers

As a technology, design or construction leader, you'll see the many inefficiencies that exist in the daily tasks of your team. However, it's not as easy as plugging and playing a new technology to fix these problems.

That's why this year, Advancing Construction Technology is returning as Advancing AECO Technology Transformation to ensure you have the right culture, resources, workflows and tools in place across the AEC value chain to transform productivity and profitability, and better deliver quality services to your clients.

Cut through the hype and get to the bottom of what is happening now with technology and innovation from schematic design through facilities handover.

Whether you are focused on the integration, application, or innovation of tools, workflows, and ways of thinking across your company, join us to get the tools and insight you need to take your project services to the next level.

Time: 09:00 to 18:00 

Prices: 3 Day Pass Conference: USD 1399.00, 2 Day Pass Conference: USD 1049.00

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